Reflections on a survey of History students’ experiences of lockdown learning

Last month, alongside our survey of staff experiences of teaching during lockdown, we surveyed UG and PGT students in the School of History and Heritage at the University of Lincoln. I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago in History UK’s #PandemicPedagogy Twitter chat.   Yes! @ULHistory did a survey of student views on post-lockdownContinue reading Reflections on a survey of History students’ experiences of lockdown learning

Making online teaching more accessible: 5 useful resources

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve come across a number of useful (and generally short) resources on making online teaching and learning more accessible and equitable. Here are 5 that I’ve found particularly useful. They range from suggestions about small tweaks that can be made at the level of the individual instructor/ class, toContinue reading Making online teaching more accessible: 5 useful resources

Results of survey of online teaching in History during lockdown

In a Twitter post last week, I mentioned a survey that we conducted in the School of History and Heritage at the University of Lincoln of staff experiences of teaching in the lockdown context (i.e. a short turnaround move to 100% online delivery). We also did a survey of staff (39 responses, which is AContinue reading Results of survey of online teaching in History during lockdown

5 repositories for online pedagogic resources

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been collecting resources that I’ve come across on social media and elsewhere. These 5 websites all offer really useful collections of resources and advice on approaches to teaching and learning during the pandemic: Crowd sourced advice on online teaching during the pandemic: A list of resources for/ approachesContinue reading 5 repositories for online pedagogic resources

A brief update to let you know about some impending less-brief updates!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything to this blog. Life, you know, took over, so time has been at a premium. That doesn’t mean that we’ve not been busy with digital education projects here in History at Lincoln – it’s just that we’ve not had much chance to share our work on thisContinue reading A brief update to let you know about some impending less-brief updates!