Blogging the Xerte Workshops: Thursday 26th June.

Following on from Tuesday’s opening presentation, Dr. Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo and Dr. Jamie Wood repeated their introduction to Xerte, its potential and its positive reception so far – to learn more about this, please take a look at my previous blog post. This was followed by Dr. Sarah Atkinson and Adam Bailey, of the UniversityContinue reading Blogging the Xerte Workshops: Thursday 26th June.

Blogging the Xerte Workshops: Tuesday 24th June.

‘Talking Xerte’ events are crucial to the curation of a project such as Making Digital History, and I attended two of these myself on 24th and 26th June. The former enabled Xerte pioneers to show what they have achieved; the problems they have encountered; and any future plans for their software.  The software is stillContinue reading Blogging the Xerte Workshops: Tuesday 24th June.

Curate history (and your other interests…) on the web – part 2

In an earlier post I talked about, a site for bringing together content from different websites (blogs, YouTube, regular webpages, RSS feeds) and ‘curating’ it. Over the past few days I’ve been playing around with a similar service called Feedly. Feedly is described as a ‘magazine style news reader’ – it allows you toContinue reading Curate history (and your other interests…) on the web – part 2

Making Digital History’s weekly links (weekly)

ThingLink ThingLink is an excellent way of creating and sharing rich images (i.e. images marked up with links, videos, comments and other interactive features). ThingLink helps you to tell stories with and about pictures. These can be shared with friends and colleagues. It seems like an excellent way of teaching students using marked up imagesContinue reading Making Digital History’s weekly links (weekly)

thinglink: an online tool for developing visual literacy

I was introduced to thinglink, an online tool for marking up images at a HEA workshop, Changing the Learning Landscapes – Social Media in the Humanities, in London in mid-May [here’s my own presentation]. thinglink is a tool that allows users to add tags to images that have been uploaded online. These tags can beContinue reading thinglink: an online tool for developing visual literacy